Wednesday, January 6, 2010


We had a really good christmas this year. It was busy but it was wonderful. We went to Scott & Norene's early on christmas eve, then went to Grandma Wheeler's later that night. Then we got up and had eggnog frenchtoast for breakfast and then went to Grandpa & Grandma Bird's for the day and to have the best prime rib ever. While Jase & I were out there, we did chores for dad, loaded the feed pickup with hay and filled the wood room. Dad had some surgery just before christmas so we wanted to make sure that they were taken care of for a while. We had a fun day, but I am glad that it is over.

Norene, Austin, Macy, Jase & Carter
Carter & Austin with the ginger bread houses they made.

Ready for christmas dinner. Carter, Macy, Grandpa Bird, Grandma Bird, Austin & Jase

Getting the play station hooked up. Carter, Jase & Austin.

Macy, Carter & Austin

Austin & Carter opening presents at Grandma Wheeler's

Grandpa Ron played his guitar and sang songs for the kids before we opened presents.