This year we went to the Rexburg parade. It was nice this year because it was a little cooler in the morning. The kids had a good time, but we ended up leaving a little early. Two hours at the parade is plenty for us.

Macy, Carter & Austin

Waiting Patiently

Carter at the pool at Grandma's. We like to go to Grandma's and swim after a hot morning at the parade. We had BBQ ribs for dinner and they were awesome.


Macy, she is way into posing for pictures lately.

Carter, Jase, Austin, Grandma Bird, Macy & Grandpa Bird at the fireworks in Hamer. I love this fireworks show, you can easily find a spot to sit, the fireworks only last for about 30 - 45 min. and you can get right out on the road when they are over.
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