The ward Christmas party was really fun this year. It is kind of like a ward reunion. There are a lot of people that come back for this party. They had a really nice roast beef dinner for everyone. Mom & Dad came over to spend some time with us. It was really fun to have them there to see the kids see Santa.

Grandma & Grandpa Bird with Carter. He just woke up, the best time to snuggle with him, it's the only time he holds still long enough to snuggle.

Austin seeing Santa. He loved Santa. He met Santa at the door and walked right behind him all the way up to the stage. Then he proceed to sit on Santa's lap not once, but three times. He would just butt his way to the front of line and keep going around and around.

Macy & Santa. She was excited to let him know what she wanted for Christmas but she was pretty shy when it came right down to talking to him.

Carter hated everything about Santa. He didn't want us talking to Santa, he didn't want to watch the other kids talk to Santa, he DID NOT want to sit on his lap. Good thing Santa is so loving, Carter still got lots of presents.
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