Macy made this snowman all by herself. She was really proud of herself. She was devistated the next day when his head fell off. She just couldn't figure out why she couldn't make a good snowman. I thought he was really cute.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Macy's Snowman
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 11:11 AM 1 comments
Our new house
Our new house. I was so excited to move in. I was able to get all of our stuff out of storage and put everything away. We moved to Plano and it seems like a really nice place to be. I get to see the Teton's every morning from my dining room table. It just doesn't get much better than that. The kids have been really happy here too. They were able to get their toys out and had their beds back. We are so grateful for the opportunities that we have had this past year and hope that 2009 will be a great year.
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 11:07 AM 1 comments
Happy 3rd and 4th Birthday
The boys celebrated their 3rd and 4th Birthdays in January. I can't believe that my babies are growing up so fast. They have become really good friends and it is fun to watch them play together and share. Because they are so close in age and the same size now, when we buy one of something we just have to buy two. It is a lot like having twins, which they get mistaken for all of the time. We had a really fun birthday.
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 11:01 AM 0 comments
We had a great Christmas. Lots of presents lots of fun. We got up and opened presents, then ate breakfast and then we got ready to go to Mudlake to spend the rest of Christmas with my mom and dad. Well, Idaho weather had another plan. We had received Christmas Eve 2 feet of new snow. Being Christmas the roads didn't get plowed until later that day, so we ended up going out at 4pm. We weren't going to go but I am so glad that we did. It just wasn't Christmas without seeing mom & dad. The kids got lots of new clothes and were excited to wear them.
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 10:57 AM 0 comments
Christmas Eve
The Rumsey's always do their family party on Christmas Eve. It is a lot of fun, we exchange and open up all of our presents, have a huge meal and everyone has a great time. This is especially fun because the kids get to open up some presents a little early, and it helps Christmas eve to go by a little faster. Our little family after the party.
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 10:46 AM 1 comments
Ward Christmas Party
The ward Christmas party was really fun this year. It is kind of like a ward reunion. There are a lot of people that come back for this party. They had a really nice roast beef dinner for everyone. Mom & Dad came over to spend some time with us. It was really fun to have them there to see the kids see Santa.
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 10:35 AM 0 comments
Cold Weather Playing
Well life decided to take our family on a detour this last fall. Jase's job started talking about cut backs and days off without pay due to the economy, so we decided that the best thing for us was to go back to farming. Jase's boss was so good to us, he took Jase back as if he had never left. We will always be grateful to him for being so kind and taking care of us. In the process, this meant another move for our family. Not exactly something I was excited about having to do, but something that had to be done. We stayed with Jase's mom and dad for a few months while we found a house. It was a lot of fun for the kids to get to spend that special time with their grandma & grandpa. For some reason the boys got into wearing the snow boots around the house with their gloves while they pretened to be superhero's. Carter insisted that he wear his sisters pink boots. Austin thought he was really cool when he got to wear teh goggles.
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 10:19 AM 0 comments