Trunk or treat 2008. Our new ward did the trunk or treat on Tuesday, so that everyone could still go trick or treating on Friday. It started at 6pm and this is Carter, Austin & Jase waiting for all the excitment. Notice the short sleeves and lack of winter clothing. It was a beautiful night. I can't ever remember trick or treating without coats, even when I was a kid. After the trunk or treat, they had drinks and games inside the church. It was a lot of fun.

The boys doing a little trunk or treating.

Macy "The Little Witch" She was so excited to have her face painted.

Friday night we took the kids to a neighborhood and let them go door to door trick or treating. Macy was a little confused about what we were doing, and I had so much fun explaining to her that she was going to be trick or treating like I did as a kid. The first few houses they were pretty shy and unsure of what they were doing, but they caught on quick and it was fun to see their excitment as they caught the Halloween spirit. Jase and I walked with them, and it was such a nice night. Warm, no one even wore a jacket (Shocker!!!) What a fun Halloween we had this year.
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