Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Helping Dad
Jase just got back from a week in Boise. I definately think that he was missed. Austin was very excited to be able to help his dad wax the pickup. Even though it was kind of cold outside, he needed a rag to help. I am so glad that he has the opportunity to learn from his dad.
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I Voted!!
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 11:47 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Trunk or Treat

Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Getting Ready for Halloween
We carved pumpkins today. The trunk n' treat is on Tuesday night, and I thought that it would be fun to take the pumpkins with us. The kids had so much fun doing this. Macy and Carter were good sports, but Austin was not about to put his hand in the pumpkin. I looked over at him halfway through and had to laugh. He was standing on the chair, with a disturbed look on his face and his nose plugged. He couldn't stand the smell of the pumpkin as much as he couldn't stand the feel of it. He had to go to the other room. I laughed. My big tough boy was taken out by a pumpkin.
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 3:35 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Jase's Elk 10-15-08
Jase went hunting today with Rick and some of Rick's friends. It was a new area to all of them, but they lucked out and Jase was able to get a spike elk. Not the set of horns he was hoping for, but after not seeing any elk last year he decided that he would take what he could get. We are really excited to have the extra meat for the winter. He was so proud of himself and the kids thought he was pretty cool stuff too. They were full of a million questions about what had happened, where he had been, and what he was doing.
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 4:26 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday morning snow!
I know that I live in Idaho, and it shouldn't surprise me, but it always seems to. I woke up Sunday morning to this.... I could hardly believe that we had that much snow. It was so cold too, not another surprising fact for Idaho. I always get excited at the first snow. It was so beautiful how it blanked all the ground with a beautiful coat of white. I figured that by the time we got out of church that it would all be gone. That is usually how it works around here, and the kids were anxious to play in the new snow. I was suprised to see the snow still on the ground when we came out of church. The kids changed into snow coats as soon as they got home and ran outside to build a snowman. And much to my suprise it snowed some more this afternoon. They claim it is going to warm up at the end of the week, so maybe we will have a little more fall before we have to endure winter again.
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 10:59 AM 1 comments
Feeding the Ducks
Well we have moved. It was quite an experience. It was hard for us to leave our old home. It has been home for so long and we were all so comfortable there. It was the only home that they boy's had ever known. But change is inevitable and we embraced it as best we could. Jase started a new job the end of August. It has been so much better and we have enjoyed having our had with us. It has been challenging for him and very different from anything that he has ever done, but he is doing well with it. We decided that we would relocate and then we didn't have to do a bunch of commuting. The move was a lot of work. Man I can't believe how much stuff we had collected. We did a lot of cleaning out and simplifying which I actually enjoyed. We had a lot of great help moving and appreciated everyone that was willing to spend their daying moving our stuff. We would not have been able to do it without great family. The first week that we were here Aunt Andrea came and took the kids to the river to feed the ducks. They had such a good time and it was so sweet of her to spend the afternoon with them. How blessed we are to have family all around us.
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 10:53 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Macy's big 7
I can't believe that my baby is 7 years old. She has grown up so much. She has been looking forward to her birthday for months now. In fact she asked me this afternoon when her next birthday was. I told her in 365 sleeps, and she looked at me like I was making that up. Not exactly sure who invited the grandparents that would bring a piano. Grandma Rumsey, has noticed Macy's love for music. She always wants to play on Grandma's piano.
She specifically asked that there was a 7 on the cake. She got her 7.
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 6:49 PM 2 comments
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 6:45 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Check this out
There is a blog, www.vanillajoy.com that is doing these awesome give aways this week. They are giving away the coolest scrapbook stuff. You have to check it out and enter. All you have to do is post a comment. Simple as that. Best of luck, I will be checking it out everyday.
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 11:25 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
1st grade here we come!!!!
Oh, I can't believe that my baby is in first grade. I got all choked up just taking this picture and remembering last year when we took the same picture just before kindergarten and I realized how much she has grown. I am having a harder time with 1st grade compared to kindergarten. She is going to be at school all day. It seems that she has grown up just way too fast. Macy and her teacher. She is so nervous about the first day of school. She is so shy, but her teacher seems like she will be really fun.
Waiting in line to go to class. Mom was having a hard time leaving. I probably would have stayed all day if they would have let me.
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 11:03 AM 1 comments
Tonka Truck's and Dirt - A boys HEAVEN!
Ahhh, there is nothing better than tonka trucks and dirt for little boys. For some reason my boys can seem to find dirt to play in no matter where they go. I thought that it was a little too quiet in the house, and upon further investigation I discovered the boys outside in their underware (yes they are frequently in their underware), playing with their trucks. It was so cute to see them playing so well together. I snapped these pictures without them knowing I was watching. This was also cute, they were outside playing and had their trucks right next to each others. Thanks to Grandma for the great birthday presents, they boys are loving their trucks.
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 10:56 AM 0 comments
Pioneer Days
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 10:42 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
All American Boy
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 2:16 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Do you ever have a day where you feel like your life is in complete chaos. Well I have been having a week of it. I have so many things that I want to get done, and so many ideas for things to do, and it seems like the harder I try to get it all done the less that gets accomplished. I am not even talking about my regular house cleaning chores (which by the way are not getting done). I have lots of projects that I have started and not yet completed. The funniest thing is that the more chaos I feel the more ideas I get. Now if I could just figure out how to keep track of them all.
Today Jase made the comment to me that their watering was slowing down and summer was half over. To him this means getting the crops harvested and then slowing down. I was so sad when I thought about summer being half over. It seems like it just started, I am not ready for it to be over already.
My Macy starts school in a month. Oh how I am not looking forward to the chaos of school mornings. Stressing myself out making sure that we have everything and getting her to the bus in time so that she doesn't miss it. Macy is bored with summer already and looking forward to being in the 1st grade. Oh how she is growing up, 6 going on 18. Sometimes I can't believe the drama that we have to deal with. Jase keeps asking me if it is going to get better and I informed him "Absolutely Not!!!! Next we hit puberty and it will be twice as bad" Oh not looking forward to that. I am hower looking forward to school shopping and buying her lots of new school clothes. She is so like me and hates to shop. That is where the internet has saved my life. I can go on there, pick out exactly what I want and have it sent directly to my door. No more crowds, man life is good.
Ok, so enough rambling. I have a long list of things that need to be done, and it's not going to get done on it's own. Best of luck with your chaos.
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 6:24 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Our little fishing trip
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 6:02 PM 1 comments
Happy 4th of July
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 5:52 PM 0 comments