We had a fun birthday for the boys. We had presents from mom & dad on the 4th, then on the 5th we had everyone over and open more presents and had cupcakes. We had to do cupcakes because we had a disagreement on the color of cake we should have. Carter wanted green and Austin wanted orange. The boys got a bunch of transfomer toys, a camo overnight bag, a new video game, and some clothes. I asked them what they wanted me to make them for their birthday dinners and Austin wanted Ramon Noodles and Carter wanted hot dogs. It was the easiest birthday dinners I have ever done.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Austin & Carters 5th & 4th Birthdays
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 8:28 PM 1 comments
Primary Children's Hospital
On Saturday Macy and I went with Grandpa & Grandma Bird down to Salt Lake to see Great Grandpa Bird in the hospital. While we were down there we went to Primary Children's hospital to see my counsin Denika's baby Paizlee who has been in there since November. It was such a sad little place, and they had babies everywhere. Outside they had the neatest ice sculpture of santa in his sleigh with his reindeer.
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 8:24 PM 0 comments
New Year's Eve
We went with Jeff & Jenny and their kids to lunch at Wendy's on New Year's Eve and then took the kids to The Rex to have some fun. The kids had a blast on the slides and ran their little hearts out. It was nice to have a place in doors to go to play and get some of our energy out.
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 8:13 PM 0 comments
We had a really good christmas this year. It was busy but it was wonderful. We went to Scott & Norene's early on christmas eve, then went to Grandma Wheeler's later that night. Then we got up and had eggnog frenchtoast for breakfast and then went to Grandpa & Grandma Bird's for the day and to have the best prime rib ever. While Jase & I were out there, we did chores for dad, loaded the feed pickup with hay and filled the wood room. Dad had some surgery just before christmas so we wanted to make sure that they were taken care of for a while. We had a fun day, but I am glad that it is over.
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 6:55 PM 0 comments
Austin's Chin Accident
Austin had a crash at the babysitter's house. He fell on the stairs and split his chin open. He wanted to see what it looked like, but it was kind of hard because it was under his chin so we took a picture so that he could see it. He was pretty big about it and didn't cry, but we thought that we should go to the doctor to make sure that he didn't need any stitches. When we got to the doctor Austin was freaked out that he was going to get a shot. Everytime the doctor would move toward him, Austin would say "are you going to give me a shot". Luckily we were able to get out of there with no shot, just a butterfly bandage. He was pretty big about it as long as the shot was not involved.
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 6:50 PM 0 comments
Macy's Christmas Program
Sugar City did an amazing job with the Christmas program this year. We were very impressed. The kids did such a great job and it was fun because they kept the kids moving and singing. Macy was chose to dance in a special number. She came home one day and was so excited about her dance that she was doing and told me how the practiced at school. I had no idea what it really was until we got to the program. After I asked her how she was chosen to do the dance out of all the girls in the class and she said, they just liked the way I moved. I got such a kick out of that.
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 6:39 PM 0 comments
This year halloween was so much fun. I think that it was because the kids were so excited for halloween. It was such a beautiful day until we walked out the door to go to the trunk or treat. Then the wind started to blow and it was really cold. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, it is Idaho - at least we didn't have to wear our snow suits. Jase is always the designated treat hander outer. He loves to tease all the kids as they come around.
Painting Pumpkins. I decided that this year we would try to paint the pumpkins instead of carve them. The kids absolutely hate to put their hands in them to clean them out and I end up having to do all three. And then I have to carve them because even as much as Carter would like to have a knife to help, we would end up in the emergency room.
Posted by Nicole Rumsey at 6:29 PM 0 comments